Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New bike shop Grand Opening

Long time no blog!

Sorry for the quietude around here, but Kelley was on bed rest for her pregnancy (she's a mom now!) and I'm supposed to be her backup for bike stuff but I was on vacation.

But I'm back, and with news!

From Luke Grieve at the new Fountain City Pedaler bike shop:

Well, we've been open for a couple weeks and it's time for the Grand Opening. It will be Saturday 7/19/08. We'll be open from 9-5 but will be there into the night to celebrate. We will have cold beverages and some food. We will be grilling hotdogs starting at 12:00 until around 2:00. We will have more food for later for when the Tour de France is on to watch. Hopefully most of you can make it out to have some fun and hang out. Our address is 4620 Old Broadway Suite 102, Knoxville, TN 37918 if you need to mapquest directions. Our phone # is 357-1580.

Luke tells me they're working on getting a website up, so we'll add that info when it's available.

Come on out for the Grand Opening, or come by another time to support this new shop. Luke says they have the fastest repair in town -- I hope none of our other bike shops are offended by my posting that :)


Anonymous said...

Great bike shop and a very welcome addition to the Fountain City area. Good luck fellas!

Luke said...
