Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop Light Bill becomes law

From TNBikeAdvocates@googlegroups.com:

HR3131/SB3057 (a.k.a. the Stop Light Bill) is now law with an effective date of July 1, 2010. If you listened to the debate in the House Transportation Committee on this Bill, you will remember that a key concern of Rep Floyd and Johnson was how this law going to be communicated to bicyclists. If not done correctly, these assemblymen warned somebody is going to get hurt or killed. Even though Rep Brooks commented that know one was hurt with the motorcycle version, Floyd and Johnson had a much lower opinion of the maturity of bicyclists.

Rep Brooks said he was sure that the bicycling community would present this law in a manner that minimizes the potential for abuse. In order back up Rep Brooks’ promise, I prepared a page on our Web Site, http://www.bikewalktn.org/stoplight.html to clarify what the law changes. I have shared this information with Rep’s Brooks, Johnson, Floyd, and Sen Woodson.

I encourage every bicyclist to share this Web Page with Clubs and affiliate members. It helps to “grease the skids” so when we have our next piece of legislation we don’t have bad experience from the Stop Light Law defeating it.


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